Super Wikia
SuperWikia Logo Set 18 Your Proxeum/Guild Name
Data Shield

Proxeum/Guild Founder (Name; Founder)
Studio Name: Official Name of Group
Established Date: Date First Established
Location: Name of Galaxy/Star System
Procession File: Procession of Founder
Authors on Staff: Link to Artists/Authors
Tourney Availability: Tourney Status (Available/Un-Available)
Senate Rep.: Yes or No & Member

Super User Profile[]

Below are various main topics and suggested links to use when constructing your Super User Profile. Use each to illustrate in a narrative the main topic of your profile and to give your reader a general overview of your Proxeum or Guild.

Proxeum/Guild Bylaw-Constitution[]

This section is for linking to your Bylaw-Constitution. Give a brief description of your organization's objectives and explain what role the group plays as it contributes articles and exhibits to SuperWikia. Do not forget to edit and link to the new Constitution to promote your group's profile. [Replace this text with your group's narrative text.]

This section s for your group's Settlement Territorial Agreement Provision, a general disclaimer stating that you will participate in tourney events under fair and regulated terms. It also permits you to occupy SuperWikia partitions and other bodies without being subjected to the tourney process. Do not forget to complete the agreement and provide a link to the new version. [Replace this text with your group's narrative text.]

Proxeum/Guild Report Card[]

Your Proxeum/Guild is required to maintain your own Report Card. This establishes your group as being an official member of the SuperWikia Tourneys and gives your reader insight into your group's background and performance record. The link below is to a template suggested to be used by your group. [Replace this text with your group's narrative text.]

SuperWikia 'Semester Report Card Template'

Proxeum/Guild Article Index Dataplate[]

Proxeum/Guild News Reports[]

SuperWikia Sentinel

Proxeum/Guild Dataplate Library[]

SuperWikia 'Author Grant Disclaimers'

Proxeum/Guild Realtime Library[]

Proxeum/Guild Opposition Strategy Reports[]

Proxeum/Guild Notices (Berth/Bethrothal)[]

SuperWikia User Knowledge[]

Supermodel/Lead Personality Candidates[]

Tourney Session Reports[]

  1. SuperWikia 'SIS Settlement Territorial Agreement Provision'
  2. Starter Session Reports
  3. Trial Session Reports
  4. Assembly Session Reports
  5. Preamble Session Reports
  6. League Session Reports
  7. Electorate Session Reports
  8. Stature Session Reports

Aesthetic Lab Tutorials[]

The SuperWikia Aesthetics Lab

Planetarium Itiniary & Articles[]

The SuperWikia Planetarium

Leisure Lab (Realtime References)[]

The SuperWikia Leisure Lab

Earthbred Expo Archives[]

SuperWikia Earthbred Expo

Super Enforcer/Super Controller Updates[]

SuperWikia 'Super Enforcers & Super Controllers'
