Super Wikia

SIS Telicamology System-Wide Outlook[]

Telicamology forecast for acumen class planets.

This table is for reference purposes only and should only be used by SuperWikia Sentinel staff in creating tourney based storyboards and reports.

Authors: When submitting articles using telicamology, each planet has its own chronological system. Inconsistency in reporting can occur if the heat factor is not addressed. Telicam Dataplates should only be used by SuperWikia Administrators or SysOps.

SuperWikia Telicam Trend Outlook
Atmosphere Today Logo 1.2 SuperWikia Endicia (Sentinel Endicia)Solarcasting (SNS) LogoSuperWikia Logo Set 21
SIS Planetary Forecasts
Seasonal Pattern Trends
Four Quarter Telicamologist Planner: Solar & Interstellar Settlements Reports
Chief Telicamologist: Aaliyah RosarioAaliyah Rosario (Tanker)Atmosphere Today Logo 1.2
1st Warmier- 1st Quarter
Heat 1 SIS Partition Forecast; Extreme Temperature- Blizzard / Very Cold>>
Heat 2 SIS Partition Forecast; Extreme Temperature- Regional / Snow>>
Heat 3 SIS Partition Forecast; Extreme Temperature- Average Seasonal Snow>>
Heat 4 SIS Partition Forecast; Extreme Temperature- Northernly Solstice Snow>>
Heat 5 SIS Partition Forecast; Extreme Temperature- Drop Anticipated / Light Snow Possible>>
Heat 6 SIS Partition Forecast; Extreme Temperature- Oceanic Drift / Heavy Sleet>>
Heat 7 SIS Partition Forecast; Extreme Temperature- Normal Seasonal Temperature>>
Heat 8 SIS Partition Forecast; Luminosity- Bright / Daytime Systems>>
Heat 9 SIS Partition Forecast; Luminosity- Regional Systems>>
Heat 10 SIS Partition Forecast; Luminosity- Area-Wide Systems>>
Heat 11 SIS Partition Forecast; Luminosity- Northernly / Equatorial Systems>>
Heat 12 SIS Partition Forecast; Luminosity- Data Satellite Systems>>
Heat 13 SIS Partition Forecast; Luminosity- Overcast Systems>>
Heat 14 SIS Partition Forecast; Luminosity- Nighttime / Nocturnal Systems>>
2nd Warmier- 2nd Quarter
Heat 15 SIS Partition Forecast; Storms- Broad Systems>>
Heat 16 SIS Partition Forecast; Storms- Regional Systems>>
Heat 17 SIS Partition Forecast; Storms- Area-Wide Systems>>
Heat 18 SIS Partition Forecast; Storms- Northernly Systems>>
Heat 19 SIS Partition Forecast; Storms- Data Satellite (TLC) Systems>>
Heat 20 SIS Partition Forecast; Storms- Overcast Systems>>
Heat 21 SIS Partition Forecast; Storms- Non Reported>>
Heat 22 SIS Partition Forecast; Percipitation- Small Chance>>
Heat 23 SIS Partition Forecast; Percipitation- Expected>>
Heat 24 SIS Partition Forecast; Percipitation- Light>>
Heat 25 SIS Partition Forecast; Percipitation- Possible>>
Heat 26 SIS Partition Forecast; Percipitation- Advisory>>
Heat 27 SIS Partition Forecast; Percipitation- Terrential>>
Heat 28 SIS Partition Forecast; Perciptation- Severe>>
1st Lether-3rd Quarter
Heat 29 SIS Partition Forecast; Acumen Condition- Severe>>
Heat 30 SIS Partition Forecast; Acumen Condition- Typical>>
Heat 31 SIS Partition Forecast; Acumen Condition- Average>>
Heat 32 SIS Partition Forecast; Acumen Condition- Partial>>
Heat 33 SIS Partition Forecast; Acumen Condition- Light to Moderate>>
Heat 34 SIS Partition Forecast; Acumen Condition- Excellent>>
Heat 35 SIS Partition Forecast; Acumen Condition- Seasonal>>
Heat 36 SIS Partition Forecast; Solar Heat Temperature- Severe / Extremely Hot>>
Heat 37 SIS Partition Forecast; Solar Heat Temperature- Extremely Hot>>
Heat 38 SIS Partition Forecast; Solar Heat Temperature- Luminosity Heat / Heavy Sun>>
Heat 39 SIS Partition Forecast; Solar Heat Temperature- Partially Warm / Mild Heat Flashes>>
Heat 40 SIS Partition Forecast; Solar Heat Temperature- Acumen Condition>>
Heat 41 SIS Partition Forecast; Solar Heat Temperature- Terminal Heat / Partially Cool>>
Heat 42 SIS Partition Forecast; Solar Heat Temperature- Sub-Heat / Colder>>
2nd Lether- 4th Quarter
Heat 43 SIS Partition Forecast; Thunder- Systematic>>
Heat 44 SIS Partition Forecast; Thunder- Terrential>>
Heat 45 SIS Partition Forecast; Thunder- Area>>
Heat 46 SIS Partition Forecast; Thunder- Projected>>
Heat 47 SIS Partition Forecast; Thunder- Local Area>>
Heat 48 SIS Partition Forecast; Thunder- Eventual>>
Heat 49 SIS Partition Forecast; Thunder- Small Possibility>>
Heat 50 Equipose
Heat 51 Equipose
Heat 52 Equipose